COVID-19 Information

Waiver and Protocol Information

Mandatory COVID-19 Waiver

In order for your player to begin practicing, you must sign and return the waiver found on the website found here. Please print, sign and email back to or bring it along to your first practice. Failure to provide a signed waiver will prevent your player from participating and there will be no exceptions.

Download the Waiver

COVID-19 Safety Protocols

While Governor Wolf authorized organized sports in Dauphin County there are many safety precautions that need to be observed before, while and after playing. A few key items include:

  • No benches/bleachers will be available for spectators. You must bring your own chair.
  • Spectators must keep chairs 6 feet from one another (except for family)
  • Coaches must wear masks when in the dugouts or if they are within 6 feet of players
  • Players will not be allowed to eat sunflower seeds, chew gum or spit
  • Players are expected to not share equipment
  • Hand shakes at the end of games will be replaced with a sideline “Hat tip”

Additionally we are providing several hand sanitizing stations throughout the PAA Complex.

Please View All Protocols before reporting to the PAA Fields

COVID-19 Representative

PAA  has a central point of contact for COVID-19, Krista Frable.